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NVAT - Our Mission

‘to advance the study and practice of archaeology in the Nene Valley for the benefit of the public, to undertake research therein and to disseminate the useful results of the research’


  • To safeguard archaeological remains in the valley of the lower Nene

  • To stimulate interest in the monuments and records of the past

  • To encourage and support archaeological  research in the lower Nene valley and to publish its results

  • To promote a positive exchange of ideas on all aspects of archaeology

  • To promote archaeology in education for young and old

  • To co-operate with other groups and individuals with similar aims

  • To act as a local clearing house for information on current  archaeology

  • To provide advice and information on archaeological issues

A Charitable Trust

The NVAT is a charitable trust (Charity Number 291811). We have 8 trustees with responsibility to uphold our formal constitution.


Our day to day operations are managed by our Research Committee. This comprises a range of interested parties including leading professional archaeologists.


We are an entirely voluntary organisation. Funding is dependent upon grants and charitable donations received. 

Please Make a Donation

If you care about the archaeology of the Nene Valley please make a donation to support our work. Any amount you feel able to give will be much appreciated.

Donations can also be made by cheque or bank transfer. If you are a UK tax payer please Gift Aid your donation to boost the sum by 25%. Just download the Donations and Gift Aid form and follow the instructions. Thank you.

NVAT Network

We would like to keep you in touch with the work of the Trust by adding you to our email newsletter list.


Keep in touch with news of our activities and opportunities to help us achieve our objectives.


Just complete the form below or email

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NVAT Annual Conference

Our annual conference brings together all those with an interest in the archaeology of the Nene Valley.  The first one was held in Castor in March 2019 and heralded the launch of our new programme of investigation into the Roman town of Durobrivae.


30th March 2019 - Your Roman Past  


28th March 2020 - HOLD THE DAY!  Unfortunately a covid casualty

Recent News

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