ET Artis & The Durobrivae of Antoninus

Edmund Tyrell Artis & the Durobrivae of Antoninus is a facsimile edition of the famous set of plates first published by Artis in 1823. It includes an introduction by Dr Stephen Upex both to Artis and to the plates.
The illustrations are reproduced in colour on high quality paper. The A4 page size provides good definition and in fact many open out to twice this size.
Originally issued to subscribers in instalments over a period of 5 years, the surviving copies are often incomplete, of variable quality, and hard to find. This complete compilation marking their 200th anniversary makes them accessible to all.
With the late Geoff Dannell, Stephen Upex has spent decades piecing together the life and works of ET Artis. His research interests spanned many topics and he left his mark on both palaeontology and archaeology. The Durobrivae provides an illustrated account of his excavations and finds in the Nene Valley in and around Castor, near Peterborough.
Author: Stephen G Upex MCIfA. FSA.
First Published: October 2023
Pages: 77
ISBN: 978-1-7398756-1-9
PRICE - including UK delivery:
Paperback - £30
Hardback - £40
About the Author:
Stephen Upex has lived in the Nene valley near Peterborough for over 50 years. He has directed excavations on numerous Roman sites in the area including the Roman town of Durobrivae and the nearby Water Newton Fort. He contributed to several Time Team programmes. His book on the "The Romans in the East of England" was published in 2008, and "The Romans in the Nene Valley" in 2022. Stephen lectures widely and is a tutor at Madingley Hall, Cambridge.
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