Local Archaeology Groups
The Nene Valley Archaeological Trust works with local groups which organise talks, visits, excavations and learning opportunities for their members.
The Middle Nene Archaeology Group was formed in 1970. The Nene Valley Archaeological Research Committee suggested the formation of a local group to organise excavations, field walking and other events.
The group has a programme of talks which are usually held in Oundle.
Since 2016 the Group has been undertaking an excavation of a Roman barn near Nassington.
Fane Road Archaeology Group (FRAG) is Peterborough based. It started following the community excavation in 2014 of a Roman Villa on the Fane Road allotment site in the north of the city.
Periodic excavation of the villa continues but the focus is now wider. Talks cover the breadth of archaeology in the Peterborough area. FRAG's website is called Peterborough Archaeology.
The Upper Nene Archaeological Society (UNAS) has been excavating a late Iron Age settlement and Romano-British Villa site at Piddington, Northants, for over 30 years!
The society also organises talks and runs a small museum displaying finds from the villa excavation.