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Peterborough Bridge Street

Frances O'Neil carried out an excavation along the west side of Bridge Street, Peterborough. It revealed a causeway preceding the street running out the river. The pottery sequence supported the foundation date of the modern city as twelfth century. A channel had been dug to allow access to tenements which developed along the causeway.


Succeeding development overlay the channel which had silted up, and a sequence of timber-framed houses ended with a stone footed jetty house of some quality built in the 15th or 16th century, finally demolished in 1923. The waterlogged contexts offered excellent preservation conditions.


F.O’Neill, ‘Excavations at Bridge Street, Peterborough’, Durobrivae 6, 1978, 30-31; Ann Rep 1975-6, 9; 1980-1, 8

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