The Durobrivae of Antoninus - Plate 41

Artis never completed the words to accompany his drawings. The images below include interpretations provided by modern day archaeology specialists.
Plate 41.5

Copper-alloy brooch. Plate brooch; disc, with central roundel rising as a concave cone, surrounded by two concentric rings of dots. It is not clear if these were enamelled. The pin is just visible on either side of the disc. 2nd century form. For general type see Mackreth 2011, 109, Pl 106.
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.6

Copper-alloy brooch with four-coil spring, strongly arched flat bow with central rib, and plain solid catchplate.
‘Nauheim derivative’ La TèneIII. Mid 1st century, Pre-Flavian (Mackreth2011, 14).
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.7

Copper-alloy buckle. Circular buckleframe with central bar; recess for pin which is missing.
Probably medieval as an example from London (Egan and Pritchard 1991, 65, no. 214), where it states that such buckles were used on spurs in the late medieval period.
Egan, G, and Pritchard, F, 1991 Medieval finds from excavations in London:3. Dress HPAccessories c.1150-c.1450,London:HMSO
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.8

Copper-alloy buckle. D-shaped frame with belt plate secured by two rivets. Date uncertain, possibly post-Roman.
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.9

Copper-alloy hairpin. Pin with spherical knob head and single cordon below, Cool Group 2, sub group A (Cool 1990, 154, figs 1 .8 &2.1).
A very common form of hairpin, in use throughout the Roman period.
Cool, H E M, 1990 Roman metal hairpins from Roman Britain, Archaeol J,147 (1990), 148-182
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.10

Copper-alloy strap end. Forked spacer from a composite strap end, with flat lozenge knop, as Egan and Pritchard 1991, 143, no. 664, fig 93 (from London); plates lost. Medieval.
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.11

Ferrule or socketed handle, described as silver.
The drawing shows a circular socket with central spike, which may have secured a wooden element. It is unclear if the upper part is complete. It may be a decorated lozenge-shaped terminal set over a band of rectangular cells with central roundels, in which case it could be a decorative pole tip, or perhaps the start of a blade, the ferrule placed between blade and handle although silver would be an unusual material.
Date uncertain, possibly medieval?
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.12

The brooch is described as white metal, possibly tinned copper alloy.
This appears to be a small two-piece Colchester brooch, where the spring assembly is held in a lug behind the head (Bayley and Butcher 2004, 82; Mackreth 2011, 50). The drawing shows mouldings on the wings and decoration at the top of the bow, which is distorted; plain catch-plate. 1st century AD.
Bayley, J, and Butcher, S, 2004, Roman broches in Britain, Soc Ant, London
Mackreth, D F, 2011, Brooches in late Iron Age and Roman Britain, Oxbow, Oxford
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.13

A lathe-turned spindle whorl manufactured from red deer antler. Whorls of these forms are common finds in the third and fourth centuries and demonstrate that wool spinning was taking place on the site at this time.
SJ Greep - Feb 2018
Plate 41.14

Copper-alloy fitting. Curved, tri-lobed bar with small projections at each end; probably a handle for a box or metal vessel.
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.15

Copper-alloy strap end. Tongue-shaped double-sheetstrap-end with pointed terminal and curved upper end where a rivet would have attached the two plates to the strap. The face has three rows of perhaps incised zig-zag decoration which survives in patches, suggesting that the original object was very worn or corroded. Medieval.
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.16

Copper-alloy strap end.
Elongated tapering oval strap end with two circular rivet holes at the wider attachment end; apparently complete as the back plate is visible on the drawing. The face is decorated with four segmented roundels, with a horizontal groove where it narrows, and semi-circles along the edges at the pointed lower end.
Early medieval.
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.17

A waste product from the manufacture of a hair-pin. The shape suggests that this was intended to be a later roman form, like no.18. Bone hair-pins were manufactured at very many sites during the Roman period so it is not surprising to find evidence here.
S J Greep - Feb 2018
Plate 41.25

Copper-alloy ring with octagonal outer face –fitting. Date uncertain.
A Wardle - March 2019
Plate 41.26

Copper-alloy ring. Small ring with probable circular section – fitting, possibly, a suspension loop. Date uncertain.
A Wardle - March 2019