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Sulehay 1974

A Roman pottery kiln was cut through in 1974 by a mechanical digger and limited excavation was carried out to recover the plan of the kiln and other features as well as to recover the associated pottery from the site.


Large quantities of kiln furniture, including fire bars and part of the suspended floor of the kiln, were identified along with what were thought to be the dome plates that would have covered the kiln’s upper area. The kiln was situated in an area that has produced a large quantity of Roman remains including those associated with iron working, especially within the Bedford Purlieus area. The kiln’s significance is that it not only was one of the most westerly within the Nene valley group of kilns but it was also one of the earliest to be producing pottery in a standard Nene valley kiln. The assemblage was dated to just before c. A.D. 150.


J. A.Hadman and S.G. Upex, 'A Roman Pottery Kiln at Sulehay near Yarwell.   (Durobrivae 3, 1975), p.  16-17.

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