Walton 1973

The site contained a Romano-British Farm and a Saxon successor.
A small amount of material was dated to before c. A.D. 70, but substantial activity of a ditch system deliberately filled in the later second-century probably indicates more substantial activity in the Hadrianic-Antonine period. A second system lasted into the fourth-century.
A building, probably an aisled barn, some 16m x 5m was identified, with debris of stone, hypocaust tile and tesserae.
The building was demolished, after c. AD 367 on coin evidence, and within the rubble Saxon presence is denoted by a brooch of an early type The cleared site revealed ditches and pits filled with equal quantities of late-Roman, and Saxon Pottery.
Walton, 1973, Excavation by R.F.J.Jones (Durobrivae 2, 1974, 29-31)